
Here's the list of my latest 20 publications. You can find a complete list on my Google Scholar profile.
  1. Capurro, N., Pastore, V., Touijer, L., Odone, F., Cozzani, E., Gasparini, G., & Parodi, A. (2024). A deep learning approach for Direct Immunofluorescence pattern recognition of Autoimmune Bullous Diseases. British Journal of Dermatology.
  2. Di Via, R., Santacesaria, M., Odone, F., & Pastore, V. (2024). Is in-domain data beneficial in transfer learning for landmarks detection in x-ray images?. arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.01470.
  3. Ciranni, M., Murino, V., Odone, F., & Pastore, V. (2024). Computer vision and deep learning meet plankton: Milestones and future directions. Image and Vision Computing.
  4. Ciranni, M., Odone, F., & Pastore, V. (2024). Anomaly detection in feature space for detecting changes in phytoplankton populations. Frontiers in Marine Science.
  5. Alfano, P., Pastore, V., Rosasco, L., & Odone, F. (2024). Top-tuning: A study on transfer learning for an efficient alternative to fine tuning for image classification with fast kernel methods. Image and Vision Computing.
  6. Chaanine, T., Ferrando, A., Pasquale, C., Pastore, V., Garjan, M., & Siri, S. (2023). A control-oriented highway traffic model with multiple clusters of CAVs. 2023 IEEE 26th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC).
  7. Sadeghi Garjan, M., Chaanine, T., Pasquale, C., Paolo Pastore, V., & Ferrando, A. (2023). Agamas: a new agent-oriented traffic simulation framework for sumo. European Conference on Multi-Agent Systems.
  8. Parodi, G., Brofiga, M., Pastore, V., Chiappalone, M., & Martinoia, S. (2023). Deepening the role of excitation/inhibition balance in human iPSCs-derived neuronal networks coupled to MEAs during long-term development. Journal of Neural Engineering.
  9. Touijer, L., Pastore, V., & Odone, F. (2023). Food Image Classification: The Benefit of In-Domain Transfer Learning. International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing.
  10. Pastore, V., Alfano, P., Oke, A., Capponi, S., Eltanan, D., Woodruff-Madeira, X., Nguyen, A., Fung, J., & Bianco, S. (2023). An Unsupervised Learning Approach to Resolve Phenotype to Genotype Mapping in Budding Yeasts Vacuoles. International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing.
  11. Nicora, E., Pastore, V., & Noceti, N. (2023). Gck-maps: A scene unbiased representation for efficient human action recognition. International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing.
  12. Pastore, V., Touijer, L., Capurro, N., Cozzani, E., Gasparini, G., Parodi, A., & Odone, F. (2023). Incorporating Diagnostic Prior with Segmentation: A Deep Learning Pipeline for the Automatic Classification of Autoimmune Bullous Skin Diseases. 2023 IEEE 20th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI).
  13. Pastore, V., Parodi, G., Brofiga, M., Massobrio, P., Chiappalone, M., Odone, F., & Martinoia, S. (2023). An efficient deep learning approach to identify dynamics in in vitro neural networks. 2023 45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC).
  14. Pastore, V., Ciranni, M., Bianco, S., Fung, J., Murino, V., & Odone, F. (2023). Efficient unsupervised learning of biological images with compressed deep features. Image and Vision Computing.
  15. Maracani, A., Pastore, V., Natale, L., Rosasco, L., & Odone, F. (2023). In-domain versus out-of-domain transfer learning in plankton image classification. Scientific Reports.
  16. Moro, M., Pastore, V., Marchesi, G., Proserpio, P., Tassi, L., Castelnovo, A., Manconi, M., Nobile, G., Cordani, R., & Gibbs, S. (2023). Automatic video analysis and classification of sleep‐related hypermotor seizures and disorders of arousal. Epilepsia.
  17. Pastore, V., Zhou, Y., Angel, N., Anwar, A., & Bianco, S. (2023). Semantic learning in a federated learning system. .
  18. Pastore, V., Bianco, S., Megiddo, N., Fasoli, A., Adebiyi, A., Abdi, M., Mannari, A., & Bozano, L. (2023). Volatile organic compound detection and classification. .
  19. Pastore, V. & Bianco, S. (2023). Semi-supervised classification of microorganism. .
  20. Pastore, V., Kunitomi, M., & Bianco, S. (2022). Identification of unknown genomes and closest known genomes. .